Through careful observation, the ancient Chinese saw the cycles of life unfolding

Everything in nature moves in cycles. The cycle of the seasons, the daily cycle of day and night, the menstrual cycle, the circadian rhythms in our bodies, the fluctuating levels of countless chemicals in our bodies, the lunar cycle, the cycle of birth and death where dead plants become food for new growth. 

The number Five was found to be particularly useful for describing natural cycles. In every cycle of life you can see Five distinct phases (elements).

The names given to these five elements are:
Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water

The clearest way to see the cycle of the Five Elements is to observe the seasons. 

  • Wood corresponds to Spring and the rebirth of life
  • Fire corresponds to Summer and the maturation of growth
  • Earth corresponds to the harvest, the coming to fruition
  • Metal corresponds to Autumn - the letting that makes room for new growth
  • Water corresponds to Winter - the gestation of the seed of new life

When we observe Springtime we see a powerful upward and outward movement. Young shoots burst through hard ground and seemingly dead branches spring back to life.

In us, this Wood energy manifests in the liver and gallbladder. The liver is actually the organ that is most capable of rejuvenation. Given the right conditions your liver can regrow itself fully even after it has sustained 60% damage.

At the emotional level Wood also gives us the ability to be exuberant and assertive.

When this exuberance becomes blocked, we become frustrated. We lose hope and become directionless and lacking in decisiveness.

Five Element Acupuncture

in Five Element Acupuncture the aim is to find and treat the root cause of the illness

Everyone has a weakness, or Achilles heal, in one of the Five Elements. 

When you find and treat that weak area, everything comes back into balance and the symptoms disappear. This is because you can only be as strong as the weakest link in the chain. 

If we were to ignore the cause and only treat the symptoms, this may provide short term relief. However, lasting change can only come when the cause of the illness is addressed.

For example, if the Causative Factor is in the Wood element, the focus of treatment will be on strengthening the flow of energy in your Liver and Gallbladder meridians.

This in turn will bring balance and health to all parts of your body and mind.

You will experience less frustration and a sense of exuberance. You will also feel an increased sense of hope in the future and a greater clarity of vision. These are the gifts of the Wood element.

Each of the other elements brings you its own gifts:

  • Fire offers warmth and joy
  • Earth gives contentment and stability
  • Metal offers stillness and serenity
  • Water brings will-power and adaptability

We are all made up of all five of the elements. The Causative Factor is simply the one that is the weak area.